Friday, December 17, 2010

A long week

Well, that was a long week. A week of pain and joy and relief. One of us died, a crazed gunman who tried to take at least six and then seven men with him when he left the world. But he succeeded only in killing himself.
He hurt people, he scared people, he caused immense pain. Not only to his family but also to the strangers who would have helped him if they only knew he was in trouble. His actions had the opposite effect than what he intended. If he wanted a violent revolution what he got was peace, kindness and an outpouring of generosity.
He failed and something better and brighter won.
Salvage Santa won't know what to do with all the donations by the time all this is done. And the character of some of the people in that board room can never be questioned.
Would you, if given the chance, tell a man with a gun that he could keep you as a hostage if he would just let everyone else go? And there is another question, one that separates people of faith from those who don't have it or don't want it,
When you see the video and watch as a man fires at 6 people at point blank range and then fires back at Bay District's head of security do you see a random act? Do you see a series of lucky accidents whereby no innocent people are harmed? Or do you see a miracle?
I wouldn't dare tell you what you should see. Watch it for yourself.