Last night on Twitter I did some smack talking with Shawn Ryan, the creator of The Shield, Terriers and The Chicago Code over The Heat's glorious defeat of the Bulls. For the record, The Shield is one of the greatest television shows of all time. All good people are required to hate the Bulls just like all good people are required to hate the Yankees and only on Twitter can you diagnose the referee issues in the playoffs with the guy who created Vic Mackey and Shane Vendrell.
@shawnryantv: Well that was depressing. Heat and the refs will face Dallas in the finals. Go Mavs.
@shawnryantv: I don't want to be that guy who blames all on refs. But 28 fouls to 18 in game was awful. Called different game at different ends of court.
@SBradyCalhoun: oh come on the Bulls got outclassed by a better team.
@shawnryantv: Like cotinuously classily pretending you've been hit in the face? RT @SBradyCalhoun: oh come on the Bulls got outclassed by a better team.
@sbradycalhoun: @ShawnRyanTV That's right they even flop with class. Also, I love The Shield.